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Modern Germany: An Example of Diversity

Pictured is a German protest for the acceptance of Syrian refugees in 2016.

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Once again in 2015 and 2016 Germany’s resolve for diversity would once again be tested. Millions of Syrian Refugees would flood into Germany seeking asylum from violence in their home country. The German government welcomed many of these immigrants, although they have attempted to lower the rate of immigration since 2016, but the German people have remained steadfast on their course of acceptance, insisting that all be welcomed to the new center of European cultural diversity. Although not every refugee will become a permanent citizen, naturalization rates are relatively high, and great effort is undertaken to ensure refugees do not feel like outcasts within German society. This is clearly in stark contrast to Germany’s dark past concerning the question of citizenship and acceptance for minorities. As Germany has progressed over the 20th and early 21st century into a melting pot of cultures, we find ourselves in the United States facing this same question of immigration and citizenship. Which part of Germany’s past will we reflect?

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